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Do ALL necessary, to ensure that none who are deserving, to be left out or left behind!

“…we’ve got the ground troop on the outside of the gate…there are hundreds of American citizens right now who are not able to get in…they (the Taliban) are burning homes, they have access to databases of who work for the government, who work with U.S. forces, they’re walking them down right now…horrific treatment…we’re volunteers, I’ve … Continue reading

“Let’s stop pretending that the Taliban are not ISIS”

“…for Joe Biden to stand up there, on the day that all of these Afghans have been killed and to pretend that this is some kind of tragedy. He cares about the death of the American soldiers. If you care about it, why did you do it? Why did you create this situation and why … Continue reading

Terrorists are enemies of the world and all those who frolic with them are not friendlies!

“We can get them out now. We just need a lot of marines and a lot of 82nd Airborne at the airfield…we always knew on the ground eventually we’re going have to negotiate with the Taliban at some point because they’re just there, they’ve been right across the border of Pakistan the entire time. They’ve … Continue reading

High-risk Patients To Vaccinate?

“…the Moderna guidelines for high-risk patients and they list all sorts of categories in here that before you get a vaccine, you need to tell the provider that you fall into one of these categories and they include people with a compromised immune system, pregnant women, women who want to become pregnant, women who are … Continue reading

The Finest Hour

“I’m struggling, I’m struggling…everything, everything that’s happened over the past 3, 4 months was not only foreseeable, it was foreseen. A lot of us have been begging our own governments to help prevent exactly this scenario from unfold and we’ve got no where, we’ve got no where, and that, that really hurts.” – Stuart McCarthy, … Continue reading

Do The Right Thing

“This is Saigon on a steroid. This is how bad it is.” – Saboor SakhizadaWho has a noble mind and an honorable heart?Who is brave and resolve to call those out for their evil and wicked deeds?Who will help those in distress swiftly?Who will answer the call of the helpless?I cry out to the LORD … Continue reading